Monday, February 14, 2011

WHAT is Patient-Centered Medicine?

Coming from the Institute for Health care Improvement, this following definition of Patient-Centered Health Care shows just why it is the optimum care process for the patient. Far superior to what is currently practiced in the US - Doctor-centered and/or illness centered Health Care. In this latter process currently practiced, the doctor interrupts within 18 seconds after you arrive and heads to a symptom management for your PRESENTING symptom ONLY.

Patient-Centered Care: General

Care that is truly patient-centered considers patients’ cultural traditions, their personal preferences and values, their family situations, and their lifestyles. It makes the patient and their loved ones an integral part of the care team who collaborate with health care professionals in making clinical decisions. Patient-centered care puts responsibility for important aspects of self-care and monitoring in patients’ hands — along with the tools and support they need to carry out that responsibility.

Patient-centered care ensures that transitions between providers, departments, and health care settings are respectful, coordinated, and efficient. When care is patient centered, unneeded and unwanted services can be reduced.

Advancing patient-centered care is clearly a multi-faceted challenge, and many organizations are working to identify best practices and promising system changes that enable patient-centered care in three areas:

* Involving patients and families in the design of care
* Reliably meeting patient’s needs and preferences
* Informed shared decision-making

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